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Our Customers Say it Best!

At the SCDA, LLC we appreciate and value our customers. The SCDA puts in a lot of effort behind the scenes to ensure that you, as our customer, receive a first class track experience. We realize that you have options for your high performance driving needs, and we value your business and continued patronage of our organization. The following comments are unsolicited, post event emails that we feel are strong indicators of the experience that you can expect and deserve when you participate at an SCDA track event. It is our goal to ensure that our customers have an organized, punctual and professional track outing, from the moment you arrive at the track until the checkered flag flies at the end of the day! Please take a moment and see what our customers are saying about their SCDA experience:

We had a Blast

This was the first time at NHMS for myself and my son Chris – we had a blast, we enjoyed the personalized classroom instructor and the whole event. Thanks tons. – John M.

I Look Forward to Next Year

I always have a great time at your events and I look forward to next year and some new tracks. – John U.

What a Rush

Thanks for arranging a great track day to end the season… Most driving I have done in any events this year.. what a rush to be out there that long.. See you next season! – Mark S.