Doug Fisher

Home » Doug Fisher

SCDA Instructor Bio

Name: Doug Fisher

Occupation: Retired Pharmacist

How long have you instructed with SCDA: Since 2016

Current Track Car: Spec Miata

Daily Driver: Porsche Carrera

Favorite Track: Lime Rock

Most Memorable Track Experience: SCCA 50th Runoffs at Road America

What are your top 3 bucket list items: Laguna Seca, F1  at Montreal, Pebble Beach and Monterey Classic

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose: Healer of disease and trauma.

Anything else you would like to share: I have been an SCCA club racer for about 30 years with experience in production cars, sports racers and formula cars. Driving race cars has been a big joy in my life and I am truly interested in helping others find similar joy and sense of accomplishment.