Instructor Profile
Name: Enrique Guttin
Occupation: Surgeon, Hospital Management
How long have you instructed with SCDA: Since 2003
Current Track Car: Porsche C4S
Daily Driver: Canam Spyder 3 wheeler motorcycle
Favorite Track: Watkins Glen
Most Memorable Track Experience: Instructing my Daughter at Pocono,while she was driving said “my checks hurt”, I asked if the helmet was to tight and she responded “No it is because I cannot wipe the grin from my face!!!”
What are your top 3 bucket list items: Retire without fear of it. Long Motorcycle trips. Become the oldest instructor ever!!!
If you could have any superpower, what would you choose: Be able to heal any patient I see.
Anything else you would like to share: Remember that the only thing that needs improvement at the track is the driver, not the car.