SCDA Instructor Bio
Name: Michael J. Saia
Occupation: Self Employed Hi Technology CEO
How long have you instructed with SCDA: Since 2016
Current Track Car: E46M3 (2002, nickname Pork Chop) Track only
Daily Driver: CTS-V Wagon 6 speed manual
Favorite Track: 1.) Bridgehampton 2.) WGI 3) VIR
Most Memorable Track Experience: 1st win at Bridgehampton in 1990 followed by a 3rd place finish in T1 at the Thompson US majors tour in 2017.
What are your top 3 bucket list items: Run at SPA, hit the lottery, retire.
If you could have any superpower, what would you choose: Get rid of snow in new england make it sunny and warm all year round so we can race 12 months out of the year
Anything else you would like to share: SCDA runs a great program, looking forward to starting up again.