Meet Matt Bannerman
Occupation: Owner, Mad River Painting Co
Current Track Car: 1983 BMW 320
First Track Car: 1971 BMW 2002
Daily Driver: 2016 Dodge Pro-Master
Dream Track Car: Group 5 BMW 320 Turbo
Favorite Track: Lime Rock and Watkins Glen
Most Memorable Track Experience: First race at Watkins Glen, passed by Daytona Competition Coupe.
Least Memorable Track Experience: Blowing up 2002 engine in NARRC Runoffs.
Ultimate Track Goals: Break 1:00 at Lime Rock in 320 Racecar
Tracks Driven: Lime Rock, New Hampshire, Watkins Glen,, Palmer, Thompson, Pocono, Monticello, Autobahn, Phoenix PIR, Club Motorsports
Years Running with the SCDA Since 2005.
Anything Else We Should Know? Three great kids who I love to ski with.