SCDA Instructor Bio
Name: John Chudzik
Occupation: Executive Search
How long have you instructed with SCDA: Since ~2010
Current Track Car: Silver (stickered) Mazda RX8 SSCA spec
Daily Driver: White APR Stg 2+ Golf R
Favorite Track: The one that I am on. (Mt. Tremblant, The Glen, Plamer)
Most Memorable Track Experience: WOW so many to consider. Most likely driving my buddies perfectly set up Cayman race car at Palmer.
What are your top 3 bucket list items: Too early in life for me to have a bucket list, but I need to 1) Go Heli skiing in BC 2) get to Club Motorsports in NH 3)…..
Anything else you would like to share: I live in Stowe VT and ski all winter when the car is away. I am married with 2 teen kids.